eCalc Scientific is a very advanced scientific calculator that offers you all the functions to suit your mathematical needs, from the most simple to the most sophisticated, such as trigonometric, logarithmic, and angular functions, fractions, unit conversions, and more. It also includes math helping tools, such as a constant descriptor and an equation solver.
eCalc Scientific Calculator's interface is well designed and completely self-explanatory. It has the same look and feel of a real scientific calculator. Its buttons are very clearly labeled, and are grouped by colors according to their functionality. The area representing the display is big, and it has been divided into two sections - one to show the current operands and symbols, and another for the previous operations and the results history. The buttons included in this main interface give you access to the most common functions, like sin, cosine, tangent, and their corresponding inverse functions; the four basic operations, PI constant, square and square root, logarithms, exponentials, factorial, parenthesis, and more. There is also a button to access the display's menu, where you can select your preferred Format mode (among STD, FIX, SCI, and ENG) and the number of decimals to be displayed, an Angle mode (among DEG, RAD and GRAD), a Coordinates mode (among REC and POLAR), and a Working mode, between RPN and ALGEBRAIC. Here you can also change the color of the program's interface. In the top side of the display there is a bar that allows you to change quickly among all the modes mentioned above, and a couple of buttons to scroll the display up and down.
There is also a tab called "side bar", which displays an additional panel with access to all the additional functionality the program provides. Here I should mention the Unit Conversion Tool, which allows you to convert among practically all kinds of units, including length, area, volume, speed, force, mass, time, power, energy, temperature, light, and pressure. You also have a Const panel, which gives you a detailed explanation of the most useful constant values and a description of each one. The equation solver assists you in solving Linear and Polynomial Root equations of different complexities. Finally, the Base converter allows you to easily convert values among decimal, octal, and hexadecimal systems.
eCalc Scientific is an excellent calculator which provides you with a complete set of mathematical functions. Unfortunately, it frequently shows a "Register Now" reminder, followed by a short delay, until a link with the "I will register later" message appears - clicking on it will allow you to continue with your work. As an alternative, there is also an on-line version of the calculator that works without restrictions, though it obviously requires a working Internet connection.